How to Register an AcuRite Product
Product Registration
Please note! The product registration form has a known compatibility issue with Internet Explorer. We recommend using another web browser (like Chrome or Firefox) if possible.
To register your AcuRite product, you will need to provide a few key pieces of information:
- You'll need to provide your First Name, Last Name and Email address. You may also provide your address and other details if you choose. Please note: None of your private information is shared with outside parties.
- You’ll need to input your model number. You can find your model number printed on your product, on the front page of the instruction manual or by using the last 5 digits of the UPC on the product’s packaging. Use the magnifying tool to search for and select your product.
- You’ll need to include the purchase date and place of purchase.
- To register more than one product, click on the “Add Product” button.
When you’ve completed the form, click “Submit” and the process is finished.
Register Your Product