How AcuRite Weather Stations Can Provide Crucial Data for Tracking Migraine Symptoms

How AcuRite Weather Stations Can Provide Crucial Data for Tracking Migraine Symptoms

How AcuRite Weather Stations Can Provide Crucial Data for Tracking Migraine Symptoms

Science is still unraveling the mysteries of headaches. Migraine symptoms vary from person to person, and there are varying opinions about what causes headaches and potential headache remedies.

Many people agree that weather plays a key role. Depending on the person, weather-related culprits may include barometric pressure, extreme high or low humidity and/or extreme high or low temperature, rapid increases in temperature and even lightning.

One thing everyone seems to agree on, however, is the value of keeping a headache diary. As the name implies, in your headache diary you’d record each headache, when it happened, how long it lasted and your feelings on what could have caused it.

To make the most of your headache diary, you’d also need to keep a detailed log of the food you had eaten each day, your sleep patterns, stress at work and other situations…and naturally the weather leading up to and during the headache event.

Experts suggest that understanding the variables that surround your headaches can help you pinpoint the precise headache causes and then take action. This is why an AcuRite Weather Station is a vital weapon in your headache-fighting arsenal.

AcuRite Helps You Take Action

Both the Mayo Clinic and WebMD suggest that once you better understand your headache triggers, you can plan around the weather to minimize your headaches. Strategies may include:

  • Seeking treatment from a doctor once you’ve identified specific weather-related headache triggers
  • Monitoring weather to help you know in advance when weather triggers will take place
    • Note: If you are aware of impending triggers, this may help you take your migraine medication at the first sign of a headache
  • Staying indoors on days when you know weather-related triggers are present

AcuRite Atlas Weather Station


AcuRite Provides Crucial Data

All AcuRite Weather Stations give you the following information:

  • Current outdoor temperature
  • Current indoor temperature
  • Outdoor humidity
  • Barometric pressure
  • A reliable weather forecast


Depending on the AcuRite model you choose, you may also benefit from these added features:

  • Trend arrows for barometric pressure, temperature and humidity
  • Daily, weekly, monthly and annual high and low records
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Rainfall
  • The ability to download weather history data into a spreadsheet

As you can see, with an AcuRite Weather Station, you’ll have all the details you’ll need for an effective headache diary. Once armed with this information, now you can be proactive.

August 8, 2018
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