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December Weather Recap | AcuRite Weather Data

December Weather Report

Meteorologist Kari Strenfel |

Multiple winter storms brought rain and high-elevation snow to the West Coast in December, a welcome change in weather pattern that the region started to see in November and continued through the end of the year.

Rain Chart

More Rain for the West Coast!

As reported by my AcuRite Atlas™ home weather station, the December rainfall total was 1.42 inches, double the November rainfall total. However, when compared to the weather data from the nearest National Weather Service location, the normal rainfall total for December is 2.68 inches. While this did feel like a rainy month, unfortunately it is well below the region’s normal December precipitation total, which are based on 30-year averaged data – called “Normal Value” in the official NWS chart below. While this did feel like a rainy month, unfortunately, it is well below the region’s normal December precipitation totals based on 30-year averaged data – called “Normal Value” in the official NWS chart seen here.

Climate Survey

Cooling Trend Continues for Northern California

The temperature trend reported by my Atlas shows a general cooling trend continued from November and through the end of the year. But what is interesting to point out from the official NWS data, the average maximum and mean temperatures were still 5 and 2 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, respectively. Additionally, the December 2020 temperatures were higher than last year. It is neat to see how your data reported in My AcuRite™ helps you identify local trends and extremes in your area and analyze how it compares to historical weather data observed by official NWS weather stations!

Short Days, Long Nights

I just want to quickly note that the light measurements on the Atlas are always interesting to watch this time of year. From the chart below, you can see how the measured light and light intensity are affected by cloud cover, and that the general trend dipped slightly around the Winter Solstice on December 21 and recovered to 9 hours and 30 minutes of daylight by the end of the year.

Light Measurement Chart

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What did your December weather data look like? Any interesting weather data measured by your weather station to close out the exciting year that was 2020? Share and discuss your AcuRite weather in the comments below and look for your My AcuRite Monthly Weather Report in your email’s inbox. Are you interested in receiving monthly reports? Make sure your weather station is reporting to My AcuRite through either the AcuRite Access™ or new Wi-Fi displays! All AcuRite Iris™ and AcuRite Atlas™ weather stations that are actively reporting to My AcuRite get a monthly recap sent to the email address associated with that My AcuRite account.