On a nice sunny summer day when Julia was five years old, she noticed a storm indicator had started flashing on her dad’s AcuRite 3-in-1 weather station display. Sure enough, within a couple hours, afternoon showers and thunderstorms started popping up around them. While Julia was a bit scared with all the lightning and thunderstorm activity, she was less scared when she knew the storms were coming, thanks to the warning from their weather station.
Since then, Julia has become known as the neighborhood meteorologist. Neighbors will check in with the now seven-and-a-half-year-old often, as she reports the conditions and the forecast from the weather station display. Julia and her dad also expanded their AcuRite sensor stack by upgrading to the AcuRite 5-in-1 weather station in their backyard, which added temperature and humidity sensors to all rooms in their home, a leak detector near the water heater, and even a spot check sensor for the freezer in garage – to keep an eye on Dad’s Alaskan fish, obviously!

Equipped with knowledge of real-time data in and around their home, Julia and her dad not only have peace of mind when they monitoring conditions remotely, but they also share their weather station data with their neighbors. Julia’s dad even gets stopped on the way to work for Julia’s daily weather report, which is especially helpful for the neighbors in summer when most activities depend on the weather!
Julia’s main interest in weather is for personal reasons. For example, knowing when to go to the beach and waterpark, or knowing when she’ll be stuck inside due to lousy weather. Sunshine is her favorite weather condition, while thunderstorms and rain are her least favorites because they ruin her summer plans. We hear you, Julia!
Julia plans to continue her passion for weather and become a meteorologist when she grows up. “I’d rather not storm-chase but report on the storms as a TV meteorologist to help keep people safe.” – Julia, age 7, AcuRite Junior Meteorologist

Her favorite weather story? Last July, Julia and her family were on a camping trip and got caught in the rain. Instead of running to the wet and leaky tent, they took shelter at a table with a tarp over it. They waited and watched for two hours until it was safe and dry enough to run to the car. Whew! What an adventure!