You’re going about your day, when you begin to see halos of distortion around everything; pulses of light with no source in the real world. This is a bad sign.
Eventually it comes: pain. No endorphins, adrenaline, or oxytocin; just a shot of raw physical pain with no chaser. This is a migraine, a poorly understood condition with no generally accepted treatment.
A question: if you suffer from migraines or joint pain, do you notice a difference in your pain when the weather changes?
A Barometric Trigger
Interestingly, there is a correlation between changes in barometric pressure and migraine attacks. These changes can also cause sinus headaches, which are not as devastating as migraines, but still register high on the no-fun scale.
Pressure drops of 0.15 inHg (or 5 hPa or 5 mbar) less than the previous day could trigger these symptoms. You can see if you are affected by comparing your migraine episodes to the barometric pressure reading on your weather station. Use any AcuRite products with pressure sensors to track migraine symptoms for yourself! Become your own migraine tracker by learning how your pain changes if pressure is rising, falling, or holding steady.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
In addition to impacting your sinuses, rapid pressure changes can increase arthritis and joint pain. You can stay ahead of this, and measure your own pressure/pain correlation by tracking the atmospheric changes in your home with any AcuRite products with pressure sensors.
Correlation, Causation, and the Power of Knowing
At AcuRite, our hope is that you can know your environment, and observe how it may be triggering or exacerbating physical conditions. Not every headache or joint ache is a dire as a migraine, but pain is pain, and it’s the opposite of fun. By monitoring your home, you may be able to take preventive steps, and mitigate some of the worst symptoms.
Our tools can’t make pain go away, but we can help you see the connections between your environment and your symptoms. We hope that this knowledge will help you get through your day.