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How to Get the Best Wireless Range | AcuRite

Get the Best Wireless Range

Wireless Technology

Many AcuRite products utilize wireless technology in order to send data between sensors, digital displays, and AcuRite Access. AcuRite wireless products include digital weather stations, environment systems, digital thermometers, digital hygrometers and digital rain gauges.

The videos in this article are intended to demonstrate the extended wireless signal range provided by AcuRite products, and help explain why AcuRite's 433 MHz wireless technology offers superior performance compared to other wireless technologies. Lastly, the enclosed tips will help you to maximize the wireless signal range of your AcuRite products in your own installation environment.

433 MHz Wireless Technology

AcuRite wireless products use a 433 MHz wireless frequency because it offers the following benefits:

  • Optimal performance in places that are crowded with electronic signals.
  • Lower power consumption than some other wireless frequencies.
  • Farther wireless range through building materials, like brick and drywall.

A test of AcuRite 433MHz wireless sensors versus 915MHz competitor sensors has shown that AcuRite products offer superior distance, reliability, battery life and overall performance.

Tips to Increase Wireless Range

AcuRite's published wireless range specifications are based on the average range one can expect in a standard home installation environment, however, there are steps that can be taken to maximize or increase wireless range:

Reduce local interference from other electronic devices.

It's important to install AcuRite wireless products at least 3 feet (0.9 meters) away from electronics that may interfere with the wireless communication. Electronic interference can include:

  • TVs
  • Microwaves
  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Fluorescent lights
  • Refrigerators
  • Cordless phones
  • USB-powered devices like webcams & keyboards
Increase the mounting height.

A wireless signal traveling close to the ground and through things like windows, walls, bushes, grass, drywall, etc., reduces the potential range.

Relocate the product(s).

Even an inch can make a difference. For products with both a sensor (transmitter) and digital display (receiver), relocating both parts may help improve the wireless range.

The table below shows how building materials can decrease the wireless range. Per the table, glass reduces the wireless range less than other building materials, therefore, positioning a product near a window with a clear line of site to an outdoor sensor can help improve the wireless connection.

Impact of Building Materials on Wireless Signal Strength
Material Wireless Signal Strength
Glass Decrease up to 15%
Plastic Decrease up to 15%
Brick Decrease up to 40%
Wood Decrease up to 40%
Concrete Decrease up to 80%
Metal Decrease up to 100%

Video: Demonstration of the AcuRite sensor's wireless signal range through a brick wall.

Video: Demonstration of the AcuRite sensor's wireless signal when tied to a balloon that is floating away.

Video: Demonstration of the AcuRite sensor's wireless signal range across a football field. 

FCC Requirements

AcuRite wireless technology complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. These rules state that AcuRite wireless products must not cause harmful interference AND they must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Most cases of wireless interference can be resolved by simply relocating the unit following the tips above. If you experience product performance issues due to wireless interference, you can find additional troubleshooting directions in the AcuRite Support Page.