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Icon Definitions and Terminology

Weather Forecast or Future Forecast

The Weather Forecast icon is a prediction of conditions for the next 12 to 24 hours. The forecast is based on the data observed from your outdoor sensor combined with the barometric pressure for your location. AcuRite weather station forecasts increase in accuracy after the two week Learning Mode has completed. AcuRite weather products come with one of two different forecasting methodologies to provide a weather forecast: 1) Self-Calibrating Forecasting for 12-24 hour future conditions, and 2) Precision Forecasting for a morning, noon and night forecast.

Please note: Under special circumstances, like strong winds, mountainous surroundings and high altitude pressure readings, an unpredictable weather forecast may result. People living in those type of regions should take extra caution when planning activities where the weather will play an important factor.

Below is a chart of AcuRite weather forecasting icons by product model number and the icon definitions explaining the type of weather to expect:

Forecast Version


Forecast Version


Sun behind clouds with rain and snow
Version A

00235CA, 02081M, 75075, 75077, 75107

Sun behind clouds with rain and snow
Version B

00436, 00502, 00511SB, 00608, 00615, 00621, 00623, 00634, 00638, 00639, 06007M, 01010, 01015, 01033, 01056, 01086, 01097, 01098, 01099, 01500, 01502, 01514, 01515, 01602BPDI, 01602BPDIA1, 01602BPDIA4, 02001, 02003M, 02008, 02075, 06017RM, 75329

Sun behind clouds with rain and snow
Version C

00251W, 00252W, 00503, 00508, 00509, 00510SBDI, 00833HD, 01022M, 01040M, 01043M, 01050, 01123, 01536, 01536CDI, 01055, 01055A1, 01181, 01506, 01512, 01524, 01528, 01531DI, 01533, 01534DI, 01536, 01536C, 01536CDI, 02005, 02007, 02010, 02014, 02015, 02036, 02037, 02052, 02064, 02080, 02085CUKDI, 02099, 03001, 06016RM, 06025, 06035, 06039, 06046M, 06056, 903WES, 955WES

Sun behind clouds with rain and snow
Version D

00250, 00838, 01025, 01035, 01036, 01036P, 01048M, 01079M, 01092, 01105M, 01106M, 01525, 02032, 06006M, 06037M, 901WES

Sun behind clouds with precipitation and wind
Version E

100HV, 101HV, 102HV, 103HV, 104HV, 00386, 00439DI, 00478, 00589, 00806SBDI, 00821, 00828, 00829, 01021M, 01109M, 01301, 01604, 01607BPDI, 01645DI, 02016, 02030, 02031, 02038W, 02039CA, 02040CASB, 02041CASB, 02041CASBA1, 02041M, 02048, 02050, 02051, 02072, 02074, 02077, 02082, 02086, 02098, 06036, 13230

Clouds with rain and lightning on a black background

Version F

105HV, 106HV, 107HV, 108HV, 109HV, 00484, 00506, 00524, 00622, 01042M, 01120, 01129M, 01517, 01538HD, 01605, 02022, 02026, 02027, 02083, 06022RM, 06024, 13044HD, 01518DI, 75108SBDI, 75108

Sun behind clouds with precipitation and wind
Version G

00828BPDI, 00829, 08575, 08580, 06047M

Clouds and rain on a blue background

Version H

995WES, 01019M, 01020M, 01024, 01049M, 01535, 06058

Sun behind clouds on a black background
Version I

01121M, 01141

What-to-Wear Icon

AcuRite What-to-Wear weather products provide a clothing recommendation based on the data observed from your outdoor sensor. Below is a chart of all available how-to-dress icons by product model number:

Version #1

Version #2

Figure with a pink background and figure with a blue background in a diagonally divided square

Models: 00526, 00536, 00837

Figure in winter clothing, including a scarf hat and heavy coat

Models: 00815HD, 00827, 00837W, 02045W