Shop all weather instruments, including our best-selling weather stations such as the 5-in-1 Pro Weather Station or Atlas Weather Station. Or customize your device with our weather station builder. Whether you are storm tracking, growing a beautiful garden, monitoring your family's safety or maintaining energy efficiency in your home, AcuRite has the tools you need.
- 80th Anniversary Swizzle Stix Thermometer Drink Stirrers, 4-PackSpecial Price $5.00 Regular Price $12.99SKU: 00845Quickview
- AcuRite Iris (5-in-1) Weather Station with Direct-To-Wi-Fi Display$169.99SKU: 01527-bundleQuickview
- Digital Color Display Wireless Indoor/Outdoor ThermometerSpecial Price $39.99 Regular Price $71.50SKU: 00384HDQuickview
- AcuRite Atlas Weather Station with Gray HD Display and Lightning Detection$209.99SKU: 01000M-bundleQuickview
- AcuRite Atlas Weather Station with White HD Display and Lightning Detection$209.99SKU: 01108M-bundleQuickview
Shop personal weather stations, wifi weather stations, wireless weather stations, thermometers, hygrometers, rain gauges, lightning detectors, wind vanes, rainfall collectors, cooking devices, gardening instruments, indoor and outdoor clocks, replacements parts and more.
AcuRite provides you with the leading weather stations and home monitoring devices to ensure your home is equipped with the home technology it needs to run efficiently inside and outdoors. Shop our weather stations and supplement your home monitoring environment with other weather devices. Or explore our inventory of indoor and outdoor clocks, kitchen devices, gardening tools.