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Atlas UV Index and Light Intensity Sensor

UV Index and
Light Intensity

  • Be aware of increased risks of sunburn, eye damage, and skin cancer associated with high levels of UV exposure
  • Protect your family’s health with real-time UV information from your own backyard
  • Better understand the impact of light to your outdoor environment

The UV Scale

Short for Ultraviolet, UV is a type of radiation that is primarily produced by the sun. The UV Index level is the measurement of the strength of the sun’s UV rays, and helps identify risks associated with different levels of UV exposure. UV Index can be very different from one location to the next, being affected by a number of factors including time of day, cloud cover, altitude, and more. By knowing and monitoring UV in your location, you can take better precautions to protect your health and Plan Your Day with ConfidenceTM.

The Light Intensity Scale

Light Intensity is a measure of the illuminance, or intensity, of sunlight. By monitoring and understanding measured daylight hours, you can improve your garden and lawn growth and vitality while planning your outdoor activities.

UV Alert - AcuRite Weather Monitoring
UV Alert - AcuRite Weather Monitoring


Know when to take proper precautions, as sun exposure risks change throughout the day. My AcuRite will send customizable notifications straight to your phone to alert you of potentially dangerous levels of UV, giving you the information needed to Know when to Take Action.

UV Safety Tips

UV Safety - AcuRite Weather Monitoring

How it Helps

Spend more time enjoying your day as you plan outdoor activities around intuitive and accurate information on conditions and risks. By better understanding the risks associated with UV exposure, you can quickly and confidently take the appropriate precautions to protect yourself and your family.

UV - AcuRite Weather Monitoring

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